Enhanced Course Details

Our RYA Small Craft First Aid course offers a comprehensive look at essential first aid procedures, emphasising issues unique to boating environments. It is structured to ensure practical knowledge that can be immediately applied, ensuring safety and confidence no matter where you sail or boat.

Importance of First Aid Knowledge for Boaters

In remote boating locations, the immediate response to medical emergencies is crucial. This course equips participants with the crucial skills needed to handle common injuries and emergencies on the water effectively. It’s not just about learning techniques but about preparing to act swiftly and effectively, which can make the difference between life and death.

Course Objectives and Structure

The course covers all standard first aid protocols but from a boating perspective, which includes:

Recovery Position in Confined Spaces: Learn how to safely use the recovery position in the limited space of a boat, which is crucial for ensuring the patient’s breathing is not obstructed.
CPR and Drowning Protocol: Gain knowledge on performing CPR in a marine setting, including adjustments for drowning scenarios, a vital skill given the increased risk of water-related accidents.
Cold Shock and Hypothermia: Understand how to treat hypothermia and cold shock, common issues that arise from immersion and exposure in marine environments.
Seasickness and Dehydration: Learn preventive measures and treatments for seasickness and dehydration, enhancing comfort and safety during long trips.
Fractures and Spinal Injuries: Acquire techniques for managing severe injuries like fractures and potential spinal injuries, considering the challenges of a moving environment.
Bleeding and Shock Management: Get trained on the most effective methods to manage bleeding and shock, ensuring you can provide critical care until professional medical help is available.

Certification and Compliance With The First Aid Course

Completing this course meets the compliance requirements for professional skippers and Boatmasters operating within 60 miles of a safe haven. It is recognised and recommended by both the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), ensuring it meets the highest standards of maritime first aid training.

Who Should Attend Our First Aid Course?

This course is designed for anyone who goes afloat, be it on inland waters, rivers, estuaries, or open sea passages. It is particularly beneficial for:

– Professional skippers
– Sailing enthusiasts
– Marine professionals
– Recreational boaters
– Anyone interested in marine safety

Why Choose Our Course?

Choosing our RYA Small Craft First Aid course ensures not only learning from certified experts but also gaining skills tailored specifically for the marine environment. Whether you’re a professional mariner or a recreational sailor, this training will significantly boost your safety and preparedness on the water.

Duration 8 Hours
Cost £100.00
Minimum Age 16 years
Pre-requisites None
Course Content This one day RYA First Aid course covers all the usual first aid subjects, provides a working knowledge of these from a boating perspective and is aimed at anyone who goes afloat.
It also fulfils the requirements for anybody wishing to gain the following professional qualifications which require holding a valid first aid certificate; RYA Dinghy Instructor, RYA Windsurfing Instructor, RYA Powerboat Instructor, RYA Senior Instructor

Total number of places on Course 12

Support Course: RYA Advanced Powerboat

Next Step: RYA Advanced Powerboat

Recommended Links

For more information have a look at https://www.hse.gov.uk/firstaid/ or  https://www.rya.org.uk/club-centre-support/training/qualifications/first-aid