Professional Practices and Responsibilities (PPR) – is a compulsory online course for new and revalidating RYA Commercial Endorsement holders.

The aim of the course is to introduce seafarers to relevant legislation applicable to them, including SOLAS, COSWoP, MARPOL, Flag State, Port State Authorities and the Code of Practice.

Duration Normally completed in 6 to 8 Hours
Cost £80.00
Minimum Age 18 years
Pre-requisites None
Course content Professional Practices and Responsibilities (PPR) – is a compulsory online course for new and revalidating RYA Commercial Endorsement holders.The aim of the course is to introduce seafarers to relevant legislation applicable to them, including SOLAS, COSWoP, MARPOL, Flag State, Port State Authorities and the Code of Practice.
Total number of places on Course Any number of candidates booking each day on the interactive.

Support Course: RYA Advanced Powerboat

Next Step: RYA Advanced Powerboat